If you'd like to attain superhero status and earn the title, #SUPERHERO, contact us today and we will try to match you with an officer in need. To review officers in need click the following link.

Sgt. John Lawless

"COPS 4 KIDNEYS" aka "A KIDNEY FOR LAWLESS" was started for one of our local heroes in Rockland County NY who was in dire need of a kidney transplant. John Lawless, a member of the THIN BLUE  LINE 4 JUSTICE, was a 23yr decorated cop of the Town of Haverstraw Police Department in Rockland County, NY. After a few short weeks of retiring in 2014 John was diagnosed with kidney disease and found himself on dialysis 3 times a week 4 hours at a time. After starting this group and saturating all the social media networks a living donor was found. Fortunately, but unfortunately, while the donor was starting the process John was notified that a deceased donors kidney was a match for him and on August 30th 2016 he received the gift of life. We will be forever grateful to the family in Tennessee that lost their loved one and decided to save John's life by donating the gift of life. We decided to keep this going due to the influx of requests from other cops for help. Since then we have assisted and or been involved with saving the lives of other officers throughout the United States. If you are not an organ donor please register today at the link below.  Follow COPS 4 KIDNEYS at our social media links below. 

The process to donate can sometimes become costly if insurance does not cover all the expenses. There are many organizations that provide funding to the donor but they are not always a guarantee. Therefore we will be accepting donations for a general kidney fund to offset and or assist those in need.